February 14, 2024 was the deadline for California employers to notify current or former employees employed after January 1, 2022, whose contracts include a noncompete agreement or clause, that the agreement or clause is void. The employee notice must be in the form of a written individualized communication to the current or former employee, and must be delivered to their last known address and email address. California employers who have not provided the required notice should do so immediately. Employers may use the following notice template.
[Employee Name]
[e-mail address]
RE: Noncompete Agreement Void Under State Law
Dear [Employee Name]:
Pursuant to California Business and Professions Code § 16600.1, I am writing to inform you that [the noncompete clause in your employment contract dated [date] / the noncompete agreement you entered into on [date]] is void unless it satisfies a statutory exception, such as in the sale of a business, the dissolution of a partnership, or upon the dissolution or termination of interests in a limited liability company. Please contact [insert deportment name and contact information] with any questions you might have concerning this notice.
Yours sincerely,