We’re excited to share some of the changes we’ve made to VirgilHR this month!
Add to Calendar Feature
We’ve added a new “Add to Calendar” feature that makes it easy to add upcoming legal changes from to your calendar. To use this feature, simply click on an upcoming legal change in the Compliance Calendar section and then click the “Add to Calendar” button.
Enhanced Compliance Calendar
We’ve incorporated recent legal changes and added new time filters to make it easier for you to find the upcoming legal changes that matters to you.
To-Do List
We’ve also added a new to-do list feature that helps you keep track of your tasks. This includes tasks assigned to you by your team members and by VirgilHR. VirgilHR will assign a task to you whenever a policy update is available in your handbook for easy tracking and closure.
User Interface Enhancements
We’ve also made several UI enhancements to VirgilHR. These enhancements include delete and edit options in the handbook section, and chat statistics in the Reports section.
Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy our new features! If you’re interested in learning more or exploring these updates in action, schedule a demo with us today!